Heart have courage

Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are. 
St Augustine.

I read this today and felt spurred on. Was praying peace for Sa Penya and the Romani people there...then got home to an email from someone who'd written this - 
" Peace"- Shalom  in Hebrew means:...completeness-wholeness- peace-health- welfare-safety-soundness-tranquility-prosperity-perfectness-fullness-rest-harmony- the absence of agitation or discord. In fact .....nothing missing and nothing broken" 

The pic is the top of one of the watchtowers looking over Sa Penya.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A cancelled meeting this morning, so unexpected time with Asha - made a necklace with her whilst eating breakfast!
2) Encouragements re us & Sa Penya. Today I recognised a Romani guy from his voice - what a change from a year ago...slow but steady.
3) Fantastic juices - Danny's concoction today - carrots, red peppers, oranges & lemons - delish.

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