
By FlyingPRGal

London Landscape

I got to wear my 'AvGeek' hat today as I went up to London for a client briefing session on a design project launching at the Aircraft Interiors Expo in Hamburg next month. Funny how aviation themes appear in the most unexpected of places!

The client's offices are based in Farringdon, where another two of the accounts I work on are based. The area has a distinctly 'old London' feel to the architecture and an almost village-like vibe with unusual cafes and bars.

There is a history of gin and whiskey making here, which is a world away from the hi-tech, trendy world of CGI animation, visual identity and branding that I'm busy PRing for creative design agencies these days.

By contrast, the skyline as I looked across the Thames to Tower Bridge this morning was a mix of new sky scrapers and familiar landmarks telling the evolving story of how London is changing commercially, architecturally and economically.

I used to hate travelling up to London for business meetings in the past, but these days I see the city in a different light. Perhaps it's a year working in heritage tourism that changed my perspective, but whatever the reason I'm opening my eyes to see a rich history and cultural beauty that I chose not to see before...

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