Tick Tock - Tower Block

Had a look around the Canal basin area again today. Bright sunny morning.

Parked on the roof of Waitrose's Multi Storey car park then walked along the side of Waterside Theatre towards Exchange St. Crossed at the bottom by the roundabout narrowly missing a bus which came out of nowhere !
Once there I took a few shots of the new building next to the theatre. Here I was accosted by a young lady who was also taking pictures. It turned out she was from the Bucks Herald & was covering a story about a dog stuck on a nearby wall....not much of a wall and not much of a story but we had a good laugh about it. I crossed the road where I saw Head of Security at County Hall. He told me about all the changes that were going to take place around the old County Offices & old Police Station. We both agreed it was a great shame that more of old Aylesbury was being demolished.

I crossed the road & bumped into a chap who wondered what I was up to. I explained that the Town was going to be knocked about once again & he reckoned it was a "bloody" disgrace. We parted company & I then bumped into Barbara Warner who used to work for me counting traffic. She had packed it in because she was "too old" she said here hubby Ron was now 81..where does time go ??

Back to the car via Waitrose to pick up some Hot Cross Buns for lunch. I also bought some Daffs for Carol & was pleased to find at the checkout that they were reduced to 39p per bunch.

Home then at 1130.

Its interesting who you meet when wandering around with a camera.

Incidentally I should say that the clock is on the top of the Waterside Theatre. The Tower block which is County Offices is over the main road and more than 300yards distant.

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