Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Sleeping off a big adventure

On my way home from an appointment in Newcastle this morning, I called at St Oswald's Farm, Heavenfield to try to take a peek at the new born lambs. I'd heard that 2 lambs were born ahead of their due date and while the farmer and his family were nearly all away for the weekend.

This lamb escaped onto the main road on Sunday, before anyone realised it had been born.  Mum's friend, Eva, whose son is the farmer, had to go and rescue it.  It is now in a large polytunnel full of expectant yowes. (That's the local name for ewes. They are all mules - confusing or what?!)

It was almost impossible to photograph it but I like this almost secret shot through the legs of an adult.

Hot on the heels of lamb number 1 came number 2, who was tiny. Her mother needed magnesium and the lamb needed colostrum.  A number of calls had to be made to the holidaying farmer for advice. All is well now.

Tomorrow I will meet up with Molly the gorgeous collie - can't wait.

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