Life through the lens...

By ValC

How Big!

Another favourite garden visit today, this time Trebah, on the Helford river.
This view was taken from the top of the garden, looking down the valley.
The Chusan Palms (Trachycarpus fortunei) are 14.7m high, the tallest in the UK.and over 100 years old.
Among the other champion trees in the garden are the Magnolia campbellii. 24m high, and joint tallest in the UK.This was also in full flower, and looking magnificent.
We had a lovely walk through the valley and down to the beach.
It was from this spot that the U.S. 29th Infantry Division embarked in June 1944 for the D-Day assault on Omaha Beach.
A memorial plaque marks the spot.
So difficult to imagine what it must have been like then, as it is such a beautiful and peaceful place today.

After a delicious lunch in the restaurant, we had another walk round.
I volunteered to drive back, the scenic route, via Port Navas and Gweek.
A big mistake!!
I had forgotten how narrow the roads were! Plus all the twists and turns.
Fortunately only met a couple of cars, and so only reversed once into one of the passing places.
( Will let Mr C drive next time!)

Needed that cup of tea when we got home! ( feels like home anyhow!)

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