
By cowgirl

Mono Monday: Entrances and Exits

Too busy at work to get any decent shots of the horses coming and going, so it fell to my friend Maria to step up to the mark.

We've been friends for more years than we cared to count ....

As it was her birthday, we went out for a curry with her.

So, my take on the challenge is my birthday mate exiting one year and entering another!

We got back after 10pm, which is my cut off point, so I went straight upstairs to bed, so am back blipping this.

As I mentioned yesterday, we were also with a birthday friend who "fessed" up to having joined Blip without telling me. He has blipped a few times, so maybe if you pop over to comment he might be motivated to Blip more.

Here is his marmalade blip.

Thank you to everyone who celebrated a little with me yesterday on my 4th Blipday anniversary, most kind, and why I like it here! xx

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