
The end of a glorious sunny day.

Well, it is almost exactly a year since the start of my kidney stone horrors and I had to see the urologist this morning for a check up. It seems there may still be something lurking in my right kidney but the xray I had yesterday was not clear. As he put it
"we don't want you to have another xray as you might go in to meltdown"
Slightly alarming turn of phrase. I have had quite a number of them in recent years. Anyhow, as I am not having any problems at the moment we are leaving it alone until June when I will have a scan to see what is going on then.

When I got back to work I took a call from someone who really did go in to meltdown. He is one of those people who we dread talking to as he makes a mountain out of a molehill every time, talks over you and is generally a pain in the posterior. I stayed cool but Ed did say that my responses to him were subtly sarcastic. I took that as a compliment. Yesterday she told me I was a legend! I wonder how I will be described tomorrow....

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