
By Ogatodomar


Lovely/awful day today...

Set off to work & photographed a small host of dwarf daffs not ten metres from where I shot yesterday's Mallards - beautiful spring sun...

Got to the workshop & began to sneeze - practically everyone I come into contact with has come down with this bug. And they all commented on my apparent immunity. I put it down to whisky - haven't had a cold for over a year - Happy Birthday!!

Had to go out to buy Araldite Cristal epoxy glue for a neck reset & saw this amazing house... Brussels in the 1900's was the Mecca for architects - these jewels pop up in the most unexpected places!

OK - now I've a head like an achy boiled watermelon - prickly eyes - leaky, sore nose. Most likely I won't be nice to know tomorrow.

Bugger :o(

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