Because this is who I am

By Brighde


I have enjoyed my weekend of not having to do uni work that's for sure. I almost didn't really want to come back. But I did. 

In fact we got our new project brief today which is titled 'Landscapes' which is in initially boring but then when you think about it could be anything because landscapes means different things to different people. To me, I think of the landscapes of my mind like with my Buddhism and meditation. I'm quite excited to start it but also excited to use clay again because I miss it loads. 

Because we did 4 topics last time; Kiln glass, Architectural glass, Hot glass and ceramics  we now get to upgrade to just having 2. So I've chosen hot glass and ceramics. Wise choice, I know. 

However, the excitement of the week is my night out on thursday with Sarah which is well needed especially after last week. I'm constantly changing my mind on what to wear. Tan or tights, this is the real question.

Happy Blipping. 

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