Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Sittin' in the evenin' sun...

watchin' the duck swimmin' by... Not quite the words of the classic song I know but the song just came into my head when I saw this photo. My middle son asked if we could go for a walk after tea! After I'd picked myself up off the floor from the shock, we took a lovely evening stroll around the estate and by the pool. If you look carefully you can see hundreds of midges caught in the sunlight. I think the duck is out of shot but one lone duck came swimming over hoping for some bread.

It's been another gorgeous day today. I think tomorrow will be the last for a while unfortunately so we'll have to make the most of it. We popped into town this morning to sort out some new glasses for myself and hubby. He's having bifocals and I'm having varifocals so we had a very expensive morning, despite using some money off vouchers! We bought some clothes for the boys and a few bits and bobs before heading home.

This afternoon has been the usual weekend shop - more expense - and then tea. I even had a lie down on the bed after dinner as the heat took all my energy. I can see why siestas are such a good idea in hot countries!

Enjoy the last day of the sunshine.

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