The Revenge of the Peli...
Oh, I had such a difficult time choosing one photo for my Blip of the hardest choices in a long time. At the end of the day, I picked this one because I thought it followed perfectly to yesterday's blip. Plus, I'll always remember exactly who I was with (Blip's own Michigan Man) and where I was (Sarasota, at one of MM's favorite spots).
As promised, Tim showed me White Pelicans - up close and so beautiful that I thought I my heart might burst. Thank you, Tim - you delivered BIG TIME. So, you'd think I would blip a white peli, wouldn't you? I may regret not doing that, because I am certain I'll never get pictures like that again...but in the end, I always pick the picture that conjures a memory or a feeling. This was it.
I posted an alarming number of photos 18 photos on Flickr, starting HERE with a shot of Tim shooting birds... Lots of white pelicans and a whole series of "Every Picture Tells a Story" shots. Skim through if you want a few chuckles.
I haven't decided exactly where I'll head off to tomorrow - choices are Circle B Bar in Lakeland or maybe Honeymoon Island in Clearwater. Both would be great - I'll see how I feel in the morning. Meanwhile, a few boxes to be packed tonight and some miscellaneous move-related things to attend to first thing in the morning.
Counting down...21 days.
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