Spring's back!

I volunteered (I know) to walk with Lily's class to Swanpool today. Thankfully it was a stunning day - although a bitter wind blew in off the sea. While 2 groups did pond dipping in the Sawnpool and bird spotting, I got 'art' on the beach! Not my forte.

The children had to do an observational drawing and create some somebody Goldsworthy art... I was cluelesss but thank fully they weren't. This is one of my charges drawing the scene in front of him - he sat for a good 15 minutes and produced a superb picture!

Amongst their beach sculptures, they made a turtle, a spider in her web, a woman in a bikini, a volcano and a squid! A creative bunch.

My creativity continued at Brownies with Mothering Sunday cards and gifts. I bet my Mum can't wait to see what is coming in the post...

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