Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Life is all about intake and excretia. We're a family of tea drinkers. Aged P and I will sit for hours with a drink in front of us and watch the world go by, although I prefer a large Americano these days. Her local cafe is run by a very camp fellow who employs only gorgeous young girl to wait at table. Nice scrambled eggs and a very quirky menu.

The best bit of today was siting for an hour and a half in a pub garden with TSM, reading the papers and chatting. Two pints of lager shandy is enough mind you; otherwise you end up very fizzy inside. We left when a wedding party turned up; the hemlines were high, the voices loud, the children grumpy, but we wish them well. They had lovely weather for it.

Tonight's fluid intake was white wine in moderation. To go with it, cooked a rather lovely paneer curry which even the grumpy Dizzle thought worthy.

Tomorrow is another day. It will start with tea. In a large mug. No pot.

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