Trying to find my memory

By Rachforrest


We had a good day, Laurie took the kids to ballet and I did stuff in the garden/house. Poor Laurie was hot and bothered, he would prefer a frozen land!
We went to Coniston, which was fantastic and canoed and I tried out my new wetsuit, which was fab, though it is way harder to swim suited than in a swimsuit.
This is a butterfly sitting on a rock in the water and wee man's finger pointing to it, he was so excited to see it. We scored the beach for other beasties and he shared some stones with me and told me how and where to throw them! He also reminded me that I have to lie flat to swim (may have been taking a while to get in, was cold). Sometimes in the morning when I am feeling slow, he will demonstrate to me how to wake up!
Abi came with her little one and her and playd happily (new friends) while Abi and I swam (Laurie looked after the bambinos while we had a good natter/swim).
Came back and Laurie is off up Scafell with Scott and is bivying out and climbing tomorrow, should be fun! Hope he has a great time and doesn't get too hot! He's a polar bear!

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