All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Swinging in the sunshine

It was another glorious day today. Really feels like summer has arrived at long last. Fortunately I woke up feeling loads better than last night too!

Hubbie took Ethan to gymnastics this morning, followed by a trip to the library to pick up a book we'd ordered last week. After a quick play at home, Ethan then came with me to the beauticians! This wasn't the original plan but hubbie was complaining he was tired so as I was only getting an eyebrow wax which doesn't take long, I thought I'd chance taking Ethan along too. He was a wee star! He sat nicely in the reception, playing with his toy train and reading his new library book while I was in the treatment room. I think he thought I was there for a hair cut though cos when I came out he looked confused and said "me no haircut too?" Really made me laugh!

After lunch we drove to Uphall to get our car washed at the fire station by volunteers from the local playgroup who were trying to raise some money for their group. Then a drive up the hills and along the back roads where we tested our new camera to see how well it could zoom in on the Forth Road Bridge from up there. I haven't actually uploaded those yet as I like this photo of the cousins which I took on the old camera earlier so thought I'd use this.

A quick visit to the Foreveryoungs and then then came over to ours for a BBQ dinner. Then overtime for me this evening. The weekend is flying by!

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