
By TMac

Not A Selfie!

Today I was walking back to my car in the howling wind and torrential rain wearing my work clothes, carrying my big bag of Spanish notes over one shoulder and a cello in a bright blue case over the other.
It did pass through my mind that a selfie would be an entertaining Blip but all I wanted to do was get back to my car...
So, this is little Sooty who was in to be assessed for her temperament having had a bit of a reputation in the cat shelter for being a bit of a grump.
I think she just doesn't like being in the cat shelter or having sore teeth.
Once the offending teeth are removed and someone gives her a loving home she's going to be SO happy!
(Currently watching the magnometers in case of an aurora now the skies are clear, so this Blip could change yet! Probably not as things are settled again and I still feel ill so an early night will do me more good than driving around Fife in the freezing cold!)

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