Munchie slept well last night
Womsie was wide awake at 4:15 wanting to play, mummy and daddy weren't too keen.

Not surprisingly he fell asleep in the car on the way to nursery, daddy carried him in and he went straight into a cot. Munchie went into her room, on her own, again.

Got tons done by going into work at silly o clock, but was shattered by 10! Long old day today for one reason and another.

Picked up a happy boy and happy girl.
Munchie has the marvellous me box from nursery so is exceedingly excited. She fell asleep on the way home, carried her into the lounge, nothing, upstars, nothing, undressed, nothing....she is shattered. She stirred around 7, shouted for me, said she needed a wee, put her on the toilet, wee done and straight back to sleep.

Who knows what time they will both wake in the morning. Place bets now. Closest guess gets a prize x

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