Light Wave

Morning walks often take us through Wanaka Station Park ‘Cos it is right next door.
I must bark that it is depressing when The Boss finds a Blip in the first 100 ft as it often does not guarantee a long outing but he was good about it and only had to be bark in time for the DIG Photo group coffee morning at 10.30.
I never get invited to these shindigs…Now there’s a word…Shindig. 

A small party, not quite full scale. Generally a shindig consists of 5-20 people hanging out at the host's house, but they may be held at other locations such as a beach. Shindigs almost always involve alcoholic beverages, usually beer. Often, marijuana is smoked as well. 

A shindig usually does not escalate into a large full scale party because it is meant to be a low key night, avoiding any complications such as cleaning up vomit, unwanted guests, picking up trash the rude guests leave lying wherever they drop it, putting everything back in its proper place, eliciting attention from neighbors and local law enforcement, etc.

Ok I’m glad we have that out of the way. It is disappointing to note that Coffee does not seem to be involved. 

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