My changing life

By Shelley2011

Torpoint ferry

Another day.. Another dress! Melody has so many clothes and at least 30 summer dresses.. I'm a sucker for them.. And don't start me on mini Boden! I actually have all her clothes up until aged 2 pretty much! Love dressing her up!
Anyway - after deciding on a pink spotty number we went to town to buy a paddling pool - bought a great one with a shady bit - then to ryhmetime - saw a few of the mums who are out of quarantine (who had the dreaded bug!) and then went to torpoint baby fair on the ferry - the fair was pants but the ferry was good melody enjoyed it (and that's the picture above)
Then home for lunch 2.5 hr naps all round before getting into the garden and clearing all the weeds, sweeping and making loads of space. Previous years I've had flowers and veg growing in beds and pots but I broke my leg, got preggo and then had baby last year so garden has gone wild.. It was to put pool in but we didn't get that far.. Hopefully take it to grans tomorrow - sunburn - still hurts but I wore long sleeve short dress today so didn't get any worse :)
I drafted a resignation letter today.. Doesn't mean I'm going to send it.. Mtg with unison next week..

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