In Between Days

By jase

Evening Sun

Just some evenign sunlight casting some shadows in the back room, a room we tend to refer to as the play room. It's full of toys, computers, Wii and old Xbox.

L is worrying there is not enough time to get everything ready for the holiday. I just hope I'm not up at midnight tomorrow knowing I'm up at 4am. Hope tomorrow goes well.

Poor baby bird didn't make it. It's a bit sad but it's nature. The mum bird keeps coming and looking for it. We haven't told the kids and I don't think Alana reads my blips. Another one has appeared in the front garden and me and Louis had a discussion on how it made it round from the back. A little white lie to protect their feelings? This one looks a lot stronger so I think it will be fine.

Razorlight (remember them?) are headlining a concert at Pontefract Park today which is a bit surreal. I wonder if they sold many tickets?

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