Rush Hour Rotterdam

This was shot on the way home between two pillars of a metrorail viaduct in Rotterdam while I was waiting for the light to turn green.

A regular working day it was -- went to work, worked, went home ... but it was glorious!  My planning went like clockwork, I was able to get on with it 7 hours straight, broken only by a half-hour lunch with a colleague.

In between classes, I was able to talk to another colleague who, it turns out, has the same tendon problem I have.  We were able to share symptoms and remedies and laughs.  She, too, refused a higher salary.  She, too, does not want to inform management of her condition because she doesn't want any negative attention.  I don't think I've mentioned that here yet, but experience has taught many that the bosses don't want to hear that you have any kind of 'condition'; they tend to get nervous and fidgety and are fearful you'll ask for sick leave with pay.  Pah!  (Idem ditto maternity leave.)

I had already taken some shots on the way to work but I'm convinced the ones you tend to pick are often the ones you didn't intend to take.

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