Sewing Bee

I wish I had watched The Great British Sewing Bee from the first programme, but I have loved the episodes I've seen. It is the final tonight. Oh, I wish I could sew. 

When I was at college we had to have sewing lessons. In the second week we all traipsed into Lewis's to the haberdashery department to find a pattern, material and all the paraphernalia that we would need to make a garment. As a complete beginner I picked a pattern for a dress from the Make it today, wear it tonight range. Week three arrived, we were set to start making. I cut out my dress without a problem, but I had no idea how to thread up or use a sewing machine. By the time the tutor got round to me and showed me how to set up a machine the class was over. 

Week four arrived....I had forgotten how to thread the machine. I waited for the tutor who went through it again. I started sewing and did something wrong and had to wait for some help.....well you get the picture. Before I knew it half term arrived and we were turning to cooking after the holiday. So twenty seven years have passed and I never completed the dress...and I still can't thread a sewing machine. 

Maybe I should add this to my Fifty 4 Fifty things to do.

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