
By DancingAly

More Temptation!

This time Easter Biscuits from M & S! I'm on week two of zero carb (again), and I've found it quite easy during the week. At the weekend I had a bowl of porridge and a slice of toast, which were amazing, but oh, the guilt! 

I'm logging everything on a diet app on my phone, and seem to be sticking to 1000-1300 calories a day as per my plan. Secretly very scared as I'm worried that it's my thyroid acting up again, and I'm waiting for the results from the doctor. I've had it checked a couple of times recently and each time its come back normal, so fingers crossed this one does too, and I'll know I've just been less strict with myself! I really hope it's not my thyroid as it was so miserable last time and took months to get it back to normal.

In other news, I went to see A again tonight for my appointment. It was good, and I really like going. It all felt a bit rushed though, as I didn't get home till 6:30pm, and then rushed straight out to Bodypump at 7:30pm, so it didn't leave me any quiet time to digest what she had said.

My friend and I were a bit knackered tonight, but we did the best we could, and got something out of the class. 

I came home, had a nice warm bath, and then a chat with T on the phone. I made a lovely bowl of fruit for dinner, but I felt too tired to eat it!

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