Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Lace meeting

Interesting lace meeting tonight. One of our members talking about her mothers needlework box and it's contents. She had some lovely memories to share of her life when young and then in her later years, and her mothers craft activities. Some if the items were so delicate, some If the items we couldn't work out what they were for.

I have generally felt a but low lately thinking it was because life has been so full on and now it's stopped I'm list for things to do. I've been doing a lot if thinking and diagnosed myself as having "empty nest syndrome" - I've lost my purpose - need to find my mojo!

[I've lost the plot with blip, and apologise, as I keep forgetting to check the date when I publish. It is invariably late at night (early morning) and registers for the next day! Sorry x

Yippee - Friday tomorrow, gave a good one.


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