B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Chloe Days

I'm always behind the lens, taking Chloe's monthly portraits.... never am I in front of the lens with her. For the amount of time I spend with this little lovely - I want evidence that I am part of her life :)

She is beginning to express her own personality and it's sweet to watch the changes. She smiles at us now, she'll babble in her own language, she laughs at the songs on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and she will be on the move crawling in no time.

Watching her today was a very welcome change from the normal Thursday house-cleaning and errand-running. I've found that she enjoys having her pictures taken, as I need only bring out the camera and she's all smiles. We wrapped up her 8 month session in no time, leaving us some time to play and read books before lunch. I love my Chloe Days.... Love this girl!

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