Jarl Lesley Simpson - SMUHA

It's been a great day.  The wind dropped away after yesterday and the sun has been shining most of the day, just a few cloudy times in the afternoon.

On a week holiday now and up early and got a load on the wash line, actually got two loads out today :)  Even managed to get the windows open and fresh air throughout the house all day :) 
Popped into to Lerwick this morning and then headed out to Burra for a run and start snapping photos for the book.  After lunch, I made a start to snapping photos around Cunningsburgh but chatted to much and also popped by my sister and ended up at the beach for a walk too. 
Been down to see the South Mainland Up Helly Aa procession tonight, a great night for it and then taking my niece Eve to the Cunningsburgh hall tonight to party the night away.

This year for the SMUHA, there is a female Jarl.  The first time in Shetland's official history.  Jarl Lesley Simpson in the centre did a great job throughout the day and tonight too.  Is there changes coming to the Lerwick Up Helly Aa after this?  Think more involvement by women would be a great thing, we don't live in the dark ages anymore!  Taken at Bigton as the Jarl Squad make there way through the streets and to the beach at St Ninians Isle. 

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