
By Madchickenwoman

The Weaver

The day started very leisurely, opened the allotment chickens and watched them greedily consume soaked bread and yogurt! Had an espresso and then collected portly Lucy and made very slow progress into the village as I kept stopping to photograph flowers for FlowerFriday! However opposite the Boatyard   I discovered The Weaver in his garage/shed! The last time we met he was dying the wool using natural dyes. He is a fellow recent retiree so we compare notes as to our experience of retired life whenever we meet! His wife is also in the Women  Who Walk group! She also makes a damn fine cake! 
Well, I became quite giddy photographing his loom and I cursed myself for my lack of technique as if ever there was an occasion for DOF this was it! Have admired this on Hobbs and others blips so many times but only done it myself once and then it got blipped by something else on the day! Lucy finally got fed up with waiting, plus there was a good amount of conversation about interests, retirement and associated  issues- so a session with the emphasis on photography is needed! He is wanting photographs for publicity so it will hopefully be a mutually beneficial event! This is what I have got so far!
This weekend I am resolving to concentrate on things other than photography - I am neglecting mundane chores and my other interests so time to redress the balance! Perhaps it may become a necessity, as I am reading more and more conjectures about the silence from blip HQ, with people recommending the backing up of your Journal incase Blip suddenly ceases to exist!! I have added my blog address to my profile just in case! I started this before finding Blip and have neglected it ever since! But it is ready to be used if supposition and paranoia turns out to be fact! The thought is just one I do not care to consider, I find the whole experience totally and immensely enjoyable and would miss all you blippers who comment on my blips and I so would miss the fun, inspiration and interest of yours and what I consider to be a very special blip friendship. 

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