Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Proving tricky

These simple bread proving baskets are a place to let your well floured dough get a second rising prior to shaping and baking; they are wooden, made of spiral cane and if you are stupid enough to put your future loaf in without flouring it well you find a sticky mas of dough stuck to the rims and ridges that you can't easily clean off. It is, in short, a bugger to put right.

My cold is also proving far from easy to say goodbye to, and although I went into the office today I have to say it was not easy as my colleagues will testify, although they were far from helpful. One of them took advantage of my age and infirmity but pushing me out of the way in the queue for the sandwich van. Modern callow youth ...

TSM and The DIzzle cooked a lovely meal tonight and I had a burst of energy and did the washing up afterwards. Now I feel like a rag doll again, with no energy but sneezing madly and unpredictably. You could probably restart a wind turbine with one of my sneezes.

Maybe tomorrow ...

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