The Lacebark tree is an endemic genus to New Zealand, widespread in lowland and montane forest and forest margins throughout the country.  The bark is smooth green-brown becoming mottled with age and the leaves are bright green, ovoid and toothed. Flowers are found in clusters or single, pure white petals with pure white stamens and ever so delicately scented.

I have a large Lacebark tree in my garden, I love it! Mainly for the flowers which flower mid-February into autumn, but I'm not the only one who likes it, the birds feast on the fruit after flowering and build their nests in the higher branches during spring.

I've been in the garden all day spreading the mulch which was delivered yesterday but I feel I haven't even touched the huge pile, nevermind hubby will give me a hand tomorrow, I hope.

I'm posting early as I needed a break and not sure how my eyes will be tonight as they're feeling a bit scratchy and my noise a bit snifly.

Hope your all enjoying the weekend - Happy Saturday everyone :)

Common name: Lacebark, Ribbonwood
Maori name: Hoheria populnea
Scientific name: from the family Malvaceae

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