Fred & Andy

By FredAndy

Early morning water buffalo bathing

This morning we take the short boat journey to the smaller island of Don Det passing lots of bathing water buffalos on our way.  

On first impressions, its dirtier than the other island and, as you head towards one end of the island is definitely back-packer land.  We head the other way and start asking at a few beach hut type places for rooms but they're all full.  We end up at a pretty place about 25mins walk from the main area but its quiet, has a restaurant and our beach hut is basic but cheap.  They have bicycles so we head off to explore our new home for the next couple of days.

We stop to check out a bar called Jungle Bar which sells 'happy' everything from pizzas to cakes to milkshakes.  As we pull up the guys inside call us in and we end up spending a few hours with them.  They are all more than happy but are good fun.  The bar is run by an Israeli and he is with an Austrian and Finish friend.  We are thinking about leaving but then two Israeli girls show up who haven't seen their friends for a few months and it turns into a party atmosphere.  We head down to the river for a swim with them before deciding to negotiate the cycle back.  Andy is also a little 'happy' at this stage and is struggling ... he's ok when there's no one around but has to hop off a few times when there are approaching pedestrians ... Fred is sure she sees him stroking a wall at one point but he says he was just checking the bike!  

We stop for a fruit shake half way back and he feels a bit better so we manage to get back to our hut just before sunset.  We shower and go out for dinner after removing a rather large frog/small toad from our bathroom.  We have left the light on outside the hut and have never seen so many bugs in our lives ... we head inside cautiously ... the mozzy net is down thank goodness but its bugs galore in here.  We climb in and hope for the best.  

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