Lazy bones sleeping in the sun !

Etienne has found a new place to sleep those hours away till he can go outside to play
next week on Tuesday is his second set of jabs ouch!!!

and on the same day  I go back to the optician to see if my eye condition has got better can't have my eye test till my eyes are right
I have got  Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis if you are brave google it and press images ouch !! for me too :-(  

Then later on it is my haircut so that one is ok lol xx

If you were wondering 5* Stanley is sleeping on the sofa
and Percy pud is sleeping on my bed, 
last week there was a fire over the back a caravan caught fire 3 fire engines the lot my windows were black, the caravan was burnt to the ground ,so now all of that area is filthy black and guess who likes to walk that way, Yes Percy Pud his white feet are washday grey and his pads are no longer pink, I have to cover the bed with a Black sheet otherwise he would ruin my quilt covers lol
good job I love him eh!

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