Closing in!

Took myself & the doggies out for a pleasant meander through one of the old forrest tracks. Sometimes there's nothing more cathartic than a gentle plod alone with one's thoughts & dugs! It was one of these paths where you sometimes imagined the t reese were closing in on you! A bit creepy being there alone, I was glad to see the friendly figure of one of the vets coming along with her dogs.
Back down by the loch side I passed a man as skinny as the trees jogging along and pecking like a train! Why do people feel the need to run! Man was not built for running , cycling, swimming, drinking copious glasses of wine but not running! He looked like he was about to expire!
Back home now and about to tackle cooking some lovely oxtail in red wine, it will take a good few hours to cook, I suppose I  could always go for a run NOT!
Where the heck were the dogs when I took this!!!

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