Fallen Tree

I got back in the dark last night and had not been at home since early on Tuesday.    This morning  I  suddenly noticed that at some stage during the week one of the trees on the banking in what we call the "out field" (a bit of lawn beyond the old garden wall) had fallen over.

This is the third time this has happened in that area and the reason is not hard to find - the thin soil on top of the rock face gets saturated by constant heavy rain making the tree unstable and then a gale pushes it over.   

We had some trees in this area pollarded a few years ago  and most  are on the top of the ridge but one or two are still clinging on to the side and it might be best to take  those out before they slip.     

This is probably just another symptom of the changing climate (wetter and windier) but it does provide us with wood for the stove.

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