It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

A house day.....well nearly!

Sitting on the train this morning I was reading a bit in a photography magazine about Lee Miller, an ex-vougue model and a wartime photographer. Nice images and all that.....but then I read a paragraph:

"The first 20 years of life with her were really difficult" says her son Anthony. "Growing up with an alcoholic parent is a hugely problematic thing and a lot of that is to do with her huge personality changes. Why was this person so nice to me a few minutes ago and now she's so horrible? It was impossible to understand." 

It's funny reading words that I could have written myself. Things that are impossible to understand as a child may come into sharp focus as one gets older.  No point being bitter. Life isn't fair and accepting that makes dealing with the past much easier. 

Alighting the train, I peddled to Platt Fields and Parkrun. Although a tad overweight, I felt a course PB was possible. Getting ready, I noticed a heron high in a tree waiting to dive into the lake at the first sign of a fish. I watched him for a bit and then dashed round the back of the centre to find a bush! I always need a pee before a run and the bogs were closed!

"Hello, hello" I heard with an Irish accent. I couldn't see anyone though.


"Is it a leprechaun" I, it was a wee Irishman having a sh*t in the bush I was about to pee in. 

"Have a good race" he said, pulling up his breeks and then he disappeared! 

The run was fun, even though the back end of the course was waterlogged, ankle deep puddles in some places, and very cold water too. There were two girls obviously racing each other, so I tucked in with them. One was dropped at the half-way point and I stuck in with the other until the final km. I slowed down a little and missed my PB, getting exactly the same time as last week instead.

It was just a house day after that, cooking, cleaning and a wee wander round the village! 

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