Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander


I feel a little like this buckle, just a bit broken today.  I had a number of back to back appointments and all was going well, until half way through the day, one of my patients blacked out on me while I was ranging her hands.  Just boom!  Gone.  I've been working with her for months, and never seen her do this before.  It was really frightening, her carer just casually waved a bit of paper in front of her face.  This did NOTHING.  Apparently, I had no idea where the emergency call bell was...useful.

I did manage to holler for help, and as it arrived, she came around, then blacked out again, then came around, then blacked out again.  We didn't have a BP cuff, so decided to take her over to the clinic room.  She tried to drive her own chair, only to black out again and smash into the wall.  The carer and family were totally unconcerned.

I managed to get one of the Consultants to come to the clinic room with us and when we took her BP it was 47/ wonder she was flaking out.  The doctor has started her on some new medication...hope it works!

In other news, our spa pool was installed today.  Can't wait until it is up to temperature and treated so that we can use it.

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