On my Hobby Horse
I may have mentioned before that we are hoping to move soon. Today, I was reassured that this was most definitely the right decision.
B working this morning meant that it was down to me to walk the dog. There is a small area of woodland very close by, which dog loves, so I donned the wellies and set off.
The photo says it all really, pink carrier bag, bottles and so many discarded empty tobacco pouches I lost count of them. I really do not understand why people just throw their litter anywhere, and I am glad I will be moving from Medway which has gone so downhill since we moved here in 1975.
This afternoon once B was home we went into the village and booked appointments with 2 estate agents. House going on the market!
On a totally different note: it's Mother's Day tomorrow and Son #3 won't be able to visit, so he's dropped wine and chocolates off early. Is it wrong to open them tonight?
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