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By oceanblues

History repeats itself (again again)

Reading (modernized version of) Marion Duval to the boys this evening and really enjoying it, just like I did 30 years ago.

Today was a day full of play on words and improvisation.

First thing this morning, R. asked for her "chaussettes anti-parapente".

Then, after they had watched La Reine Des Neiges (what is it - The Frozen Queen, or just Frozen?), we went through all sorts of variations to the tune of "Je Voudrais Un Bonhomme De Neige". R. beat us all with the most brilliant entry "Je voudrais avoir un livre, pour aller aux toilettes"

C. finished off the day in style with his snowman-Beatles mashup entitled "Olaf for the mystery tour".

Great day all together. Well, it was Pi day after all - 3.14.15!
(Shirley Bassey & Propellerheads - History Repeating)

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