Happy Birthday Ann

It’s my owners birthday today.  She is ?????????? old!

She’s bought herself a birthday pressie…………………  A ‘selfie stick’???

Have you ever tried to watch four ‘50 something’ women try and take a photograph with a ‘selfie stick’? Everyone in the restaurant was looking at them and eventually the waitress asked if they would like her to take their photo.   That was a much better idea.  Technology takes a lot to get used to LOL!!!!

I had to have ‘early’ afternoon walk ‘cos I was left ‘home alone’ while Ann went out celebrating her birthday with her ‘old untechie mates’.

I had a fabulous time up Blackford Hill & then I went splishing & splashing & sploshing in the burn at ‘Hermitage of Braid.’

We’re loving our stay in Edinburgh.  Edinburgh is such a great place.

PS - There seems to be a lot of  chit chat about BLIP disappearing.  Can this really happen?  My owner is the most 'untechie person' in the whole wide world.  But surely if we've posted stuff on the web then it can't just 'disappear'??? Or can it??

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