Froggy Went A-Courting
There's a frog festival taking place in our wee pond. A pond we're very lax about caring for in any way other than my sticking a heater in during the winter months to keep things from freezing solid, and occasionally fishing out handfuls of leaves. It wasn't dug quite deep enough in the first place; the liner keeps developing leaks; we tried to have a pump and flowing water but gave up years ago after it kept clogging up and failing. But the frogs still live in it, and come to it to breed, along with salamanders and various insects. So... hey! It seems to be a successful environment of some description.
I think these are Wood Frogs, and I guess they must have wintered over in there - although I suppose it's possible they hopped over from somewhere else just for the festival. I've counted at least 8 of them croaking like mad. There may well be more than that. Lovely Spring sound!
I've spent almost all day, since we got back from our walk, *fluffing* the house and making dinner, because our #1 Son is bringing a new lady friend for dinner and to meet the family. I've tried to tidy up enough so that it isn't immediately obvious just how very peculiar we are. Wouldn't want to scare her off from the start!
Hence the somewhat emergency blip...
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