On the Lam

This weekend we're playing host to Spokes' mum, stepdad, sister, brother-in-law and two nephews - which is keeping us very busy indeed!

Spokes, nevertheless, still found time to get herself into 'a spot of bother' with the law... Or the bizzies, as they're called in these parts.

She escaped, of course, and maintains her innocence, claiming that it was all just "an unfortunate misunderstanding".

Whilst we've been busy elsewhere, news has been spreading like wildfire that things are very wrong indeed here in Blipworld. I very much hope that there's nothing to panic about and that all will be well. However, if the rumours are true and the site has gone into liquidation then I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's made the last few years such a wonderful ride, fuelled a passion for photography that I'd never previously realised I had, shared their lives here and become such an important part of my life. If it goes, it's going to be a loss felt deeply by thousands of us across the world. In the meantime I shall continue to 'watch this space' and hope for the best!

To those of you with whom I'm in touch outside of the site, I shall continue to be in touch whatever happens here - you haven't seen/heard the last of me! And if anybody else would like to be in touch you can find my email address on my profile page.

Fingers crossed...

I Fought The Law

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