
In respect of the rumours going around the site, Alfred Dog and I are crossing our fingers and paws and anything else we can cross that blipfoto is okay and that our uniquely wonderful community stays up and running.  If for any reason it suddenly goes down, I just want to say how much I enjoy my daily contact with my blip friends and the comments of other blippers who visit my journal occasionally - and my visits to other journals where I don't often comment, but whose blips I enjoy.   I don't like talking about making other arrangements as I sincerely hope I don't have to. I have a flickr account which I haven't yet uploaded photos to, but may start doing so - account name 'bluebellsea'.  Alfred and my deer etc. will feature on there if they can't on blip. My 'bluebellsea' email address is in my biography details.  I hope this is an unnecessary write-up, but it has to be said just in case - thank you all so much for your blip-friendships, they mean a lot to me!  :-) xx

Woof!  Me too!  Woof!
Alfred Dog :-)

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