The high road

By Travellersjoy

Three little Cygnets

I had intended to do a self portrait to celebrate my 300th blip but I think these little cuties have stolen the day, far prettier than me!!! I watched them for a good while today and marveled at how caring the proud parents were. I have put a couple of extra images in my blipfolio if you are interested.
I can't quite believe that I've made it this far, in the early days I wondered whatever I would find to blip, especially on my work day lunch breaks but I see pictures every where now and bimbling around the beach and harbour is the highlight of my working day! I have made some very special connections through blip, both virtual and for real. Thank you to everyone of you who stops by my journal and leave a much appreciated comment. I am very grateful to all those at blip central for making all this creativity and connection possible, thank you!

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