Time to Reflect


The band I play with competed at the West of England Brass Band Championships in Torquay. We were drawn 7th out of the 15 bands in our section and we came off stage feeling pretty good about our performance of Variations on Maccabeus, the set test piece which bands play. In fact the feedback we were getting from those who listened was very positive as were the livestream comments from Four Bars Rest the reputed Brass Band Website. Their prediction, having commented on all the bands was that we had won. Well, the 2 official adjudicators had different ideas and placed us 7th!

Having had a liquid lunch with fellow bandsmen and supporters I took some time out wandering around Torquay to reflect on proceedings. I've been in brass banding long enough to realise that adjudicators make a judgement and on this day it wasn't in our favour. On the positive side, we felt we'd played well, we have a full complement of players who are comfortable socialising as well as making music together. All is well really.

Talking of socialising, 20 of us got together in the evening for some more liquid refreshments and a curry. All in all a great day out. 

Incidentally, daughter Danielle was also competing today in their first Majorettes Competition of the season. They faired better than us as she was first in her solo routine, they were 3rd in their Duet section and the team won all 7 of their events!

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