Communal Bog

I fancied seeing a bit of Hadrian's Wall on the way home this afternoon, so we turned left at Carlisle and stopped at Housesteads, one of the many forts along the wall.  This is allegedly one of the best preserved forts and, so they boast, the best preserved (Roman) latrine in the UK.  The big puzzle, according to the nearby notice, is what the Romans used as bog roll before bog roll was invented.  A rather coy guess at moss was mooted, but I have a feeling those big water troughs in the middle are a better clue.  Nice place for a chat, if a bit windy and The Spinner had a decent trot.

All good.  Back on the road next week, but that would be to get ahead of myself.

I'm keeping an eye on the Gazette, but there's nothing relevant at the moment.

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