But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Lenten Rose.

I seem to be running a day behind at the moment with about four blips to fill in from a couple of weeks ago. I will catch up as soon as I get the chance.

Today's blip is this hellebore in our garden. It is described as a Eurasian evergreen specie with an understated beauty; I find it so understated that I fail to feel any attraction for it though, presumably, Herself likes it if we are growing it. Although their common names often include the word rose, the hellebores are members of the Ranunculus (buttercup) family, while the botanical name comes from the Greek: "elein" meaning injure and "bora" meaning food; odd really, seeing that most of them are poisonous and I was always under the impression that the helle part of their name was from "Helios", the Greek for Sun.

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