Town and Country Day

2years 219days

FAB day in the sunshine today. So much fun. Victoria and kids came and picked us up and we headed off to the Town and Country Day. Katie remembered that here is where we see all the animals and insisted that was the first thing we did. We went to see some ferret racing (mine came last) before the meerkats, alpacas and lemurs. She was trying very hard to get in with the wallabies.

She then wanted to go to the pigs, before we then went to see the sheep. Who were meant to be shorn but wasnt happening while we were there. She said hello to some cows and then we walked to watch the Horse Trials. We spent quite a long time watching that, and had an ice cream. Which came in a teddy cone. She bit its ears off first.

We then walked up and found Granny and Grandad so we could all go have a picnic. John came to join us - at which point we were a gathering of 5blippers, 6 journals between us! We had a fab "all muck in" picnic, and sat enjoying the goings on for about an hour. Katie and Jaden chased and played.

We walked round some stalls before saying goodbye to Victoria et al, as Katie wanted to go off and be a brickie. She built her wall in her hi-vis jacket and got a little certificate. And then a second icecream.

We found the childrens activities - she rode tractors, made a meerkat mask, went on an inflatable slide (with Mummy!) and then iced buns. We saw her little friend from nursery a few times and they were both a bit bemused to see each other out of context!

John dropped Katie and I off at home then, and Katie and I had a bit of time in the pool until Granny and Grandad arrived for some tea. She's soooo tired, having slept for literally 5seconds, but extremely happy.

(Her dress is another Powell Crafts, but off Ebay. I totally love her in it!)

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