Sound of silence

Monday 16th March 2015 (933)

Not likely to have anything else today so here's a thought for the day. 

I've been reflecting on the rumours over the weekend. Interesting how a two+ week silence in a small office in Edinburgh can have such an effect on the world community - rumours abound, anxiety caused, frenzy of activity for self preservation etc. You can see how/why the world gets itself in a tangle over bigger issues! 

It was amazing to see how many blippers joined the 365 project yesterday, myself included. I just hope we don't sink that ship by overloading it! I am encouraged to hear that most of us, although making contingency plans, are also staying loyal to blip. Loyalty may help to save blip, abandoning ship may bring about a self-fulfilling prophecy. Stay loyal, blip buddies. 

The search for something to fill the blip hole, if it comes about, is a testament to what blip has done - the creation of a community. Most of the talk is about how to keep in contact with friends made over the years, email addresses are being exchanged and links on other social sites made before contact is lost. blip is about the people who make it. blipfoto may end but blippers will continue. 

Let's hope though that blipfoto does continue. They have our support. 

So, blipfoto liquidation confirmed. A sad day! Thanks Joe for starting us all on this journey, it has been wonderful. 

I'll still hang on in the hope of rescue. 

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