Keep Going...

no corner to hide
just trees and trees, dividing
paths this way and that

Dull, dark wet day and absolutely no one in the woods today.  I saw a couple of cars, but that's about it!

Loosley attributed to Mono Monday hosted by Chantler63

In other news I've just seen on Facebook that Blipfoto is in liquidation :(  Horrendous news....  

I don't know how much longer this site will be available to us, but I will Keep Blipping 'Til the Bitter End!!

Also tagging all my entries #keepblipgoing if anyone likes to join...

See yesterday's blip for contact details...

Apologies if I don't get to your blip today, I have a very sore arm and wrist (flare up of a very old RSI (repetitive strain injury) and as its my writing hand as well, I'm typing one handed today)

Much Love to you All Xxx

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