On the rocks...

Today is my 2,579th day on Blip.

That's more than seven years for those of you who can't be bothered to go and look for a calculator.
When I uploaded my first entry I was using a borrowed camera and I didn't even tell my family I was doing this for the first year and a half.
During that time my son has grown up, I've had ups and downs, I have lost people I love, I have gained some incredible friends (Blip attracts great people) who have done small yet quite remarkable things that have restored my faith in humanity. 

As it stands right now I cannot fully comprehend the possibility of a day without uploading my blip and I am hoping that this is not the end just another chapter in the story.

What we will end up with, if anything, I do not know. I know many people have joined another online photo a day site, but I have been doing a lot of thinking over the last 24 hours and have decided that I will not be joining them because, for me, it will never be the same. I'm sorry but that's just how I feel. It's not for me.

So what about the future?
I'm still slightly bemused about how we actually got here in such a short space of time and why someone hasn't already stepped in to save the day. Blip is just too good to disappear isn't it?
Where are Polaroid in all this?
Why were we offered so many sweeteners by a company that could not afford it?
I didn't want any. I love it here and when the idea of a membership fee came up I jumped at the chance. I'm from Yorkshire. I don't part with money unless I think I'm getting great value. This was the best £25 I have ever spent.

Then there's Joe and team....I can only speculate as to how they feel right now. I realise it may not be possible but I would like to know more. We are not owed anything, in fact it's quite the opposite. Joe came up with a gem of an idea and shared it. But having no information or understanding of the situation means we can do little to help fix it which I find incredibly frustrating.

So I guess that's all I have to say for now....hopefully I'll be uploading my 2,580th Blip tomorrow.

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