Thanks, merci, grazie, danke....

Haven't loaded yesterday's blip yet but wanted to post this one while I can.

After all the rumours about blipfoto yesterday, the bad news about liquidation today. Have tried to keep up with all the updates and it seems nobody has said anything official yet but it looks like it could be the end. I really hope not. It's such a great community.

I guess I've never given much thought before to all the admin and effort that goes into running such an enterprise. So I just wanted to say thank you to everybody involved for all your hard work.

And to my fellow blippers - what a great bunch of people. Diverse backgrounds but United by a love of photography. If I don't get chance to say it again thank you for all your kind words and comments over the years. There are some amazing talents on here so keep up the good work!

For those few of you who have stuck with me, it would be lovely to stay in touch. I'm always on Facebook and my e mail is on my profile here.

Fingers crossed there is a way through this but thanks for the memories x

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